
We make a piece of Hope with a lot of Love, so you Shine on.

After my beautiful baby boy was born in 2018, I decided to take the road less certain and left my well paying but stressful full time job to pursue my love of making pretty jewelry. I can be in my craft room all day, creating. It is my passion and I feel fortunate to have found it.

My little one has given me the courage to pursue my dreams. Each day, I look at him and say “I will work hard for my goals and be a good example for you”.

This shop was born out of my dreams to create jewelry that can withstand trends and time. A piece that is meaningful, simple and high quality. A piece you hold close to your heart because it speaks to you.

Something that gives you the courage to hustle, a reminder that you are strong, and sparkles to tell you that you are loved.

Welcome to Hope. Love. Shine.

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